
The Newport Beach Public Library is the cultural heart of the community, serving more than one million patrons each year. We are an essential provider of books, information, and technology, through the Central Library and our three branches: Mariners, Balboa, and Corona del Mar.

Hours and Locations

Addresses, phone numbers, maps, and hours for NBPL locations

How to Get a Library Card

Information about getting a card

About Newport Beach

General information about the City of Newport Beach

History of the Newport Beach Public Library

The Newport Beach Public Library has a long history of service to the community

Board of Library Trustees

Information about the governing board of the library

Library Policies

Rules for using the Newport Beach Public Library

Literacy Services

Project Adult Literacy is located on the lower level of the Central Library, and provides services for adults seeking to improve their English reading and writing skills

Cultural Arts

The Cultural Arts Division of the Newport Beach Public Library, with guidance and support by the Newport Beach City Arts Commission, brings cultural and arts programming to the community

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library fund children's programs, Sunday Musicales, and other library programs through used book sales and donations

NBPL Foundation

The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation funds valuable library resources and services, and presents a variety of literary programs design to engage the community

News & Press

News releases, facts & figures, photos, and other information helpful in preparing articles about NBPL and upcoming events

Contact Us

Get in touch with us via email, phone, or mail

The Writers Workshop

This is an interactive writing group where writers will roll up their sleeves and get to work -- sharing current writing projects, receiving feedback, and holding each other accountable during the writing process. Bring your current writing project and be prepared to share, listen, and work.
*Registration is for one writer only. You may not register for multiple writers. 
*Registration is for a single session and is required to attend. You must register separately for each date you'd like to attend. Please only register if you plan to attend. Workshop is limited to 10 writers.
There are 2 sessions per month, (Sept-May) with the exception of Sept which only has 1. There are no sessions in December. 
The Writers Workshop is led by noted author and writing instructor, Chris Epting. 
*Participation in the Storytellers Writing Series prior to attending the Writers Workshop is highly recommended*

Register HERE  **Registration for this event will open at noon on 10/2**

Please email Terry Sanchez tsanchez@newportbeachca.gov with any questions.

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