Newport Beach Library
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OverDrive eBooks & eAudiobooks with Libby
Looking for popular fiction and non-fiction titles in English, Chinese, or Spanish?
Access Libby in your browser or download the app for your phone or tablet (Libby for iOS and Libby for Android). You can also read many of the titles on a Kindle or Kindle Fire. When registering, join the Southern California Digital Library.
For legacy users of OverDrive, please visit the Libby help page for more information about how your checkouts transfer to Libby.
ComicsPlus from LibraryPass
ComicsPlus offers over 20,000 graphic novels, comics, and manga for all ages. Read in your browser or download the app to your mobile device (LibraryPass for iOS or LibraryPass for Android)
Titles are always available and you may check out as many as you like. Over 20,000 graphic novels, comics, and manga are available anytime, with no checkout limits.
Public Domain eBooks and Audiobooks
Public Domain eBooks are titles that are no longer under copyright in the US. Titles are yours to download. No library card is required.