Newport Beach Library
Home MenuServices
Need assistance? We offer services that go above and beyond books. Check them out below.
Phone Us.
(949) 717-3860 - For quick questions, call us at Telephone Reference. We take calls Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 9 pm; Friday and Saturday 9 am to 6 pm; Sundays 12 pm to 5 pm.
E-mail Us.
Send a question via our contact form. We will make every effort to respond to your question within two working days. If we cannot quickly answer your question we will let you know.
Contact the NBPL Reference staff for assistance with:
Reference questions
General information
Placing holds on library materials
To suggest titles (published in the last 12 months) for purchase
Interlibrary Loans
If you are unable to find a particular title in our catalog, we can request books and some materials (not audiovisual) from other library systems for a fee. Contact the reference staff to initiate this service: 949-717-3860. Learn more about Interlibrary Loans.
The Newport Beach Public Library offers a free Homebound Delivery Service option to provide library materials for Newport Beach residents who are unable to physically come into one of our four branches due to temporary or long-term mobility, health, or disability barriers.
Accessibility Services
Library Services for People with Print Disabilities
California's Library Services for People with Print Disabilities, in association with the Library of Congress, provides free Braille and audio books, magazines and playback equipment to all eligible Californians unable to read standard print. You can go online to find your local braille and talking book library and sign up for free library services.
Senior Services
Check out all of our senior services.