
Circulation Policy


1.0 Library Patron Cards

Individual Library patron cards are issued to all residents of Newport Beach upon presentation of proper identification. All applicants under the age of 18 will be required to have a parent/guardian signature to obtain a library card.

1.01 Under the State Universal Borrowing Agreement (California Education Code § 18731), individual Library patron cards will be issued to persons who do not reside in Newport Beach, but who are residents of the State of California, utilizing the same criteria as above.

1.02 A family borrower's card will be issued to a non-California resident upon payment of a $10.00 annual fee.

1.03 A replacement for a lost card will be issued upon proof of identification.

1.04 A “computer use only” Library card with no material borrowing privileges may be issued to persons who wish to use the Library’s public computer workstations and on-line databases. Proof of identification is necessary.

1.05 Lifetime cards may be issued at the discretion of the Board of Library Trustees.

2.0 Definitions

Library materials are defined as indicated.

2.01 Reference Materials - Materials for use only within the Library facility, including newspapers and current issues of periodicals.

2.02 General Materials – Most circulating books and audio books.

2.03 Paperbacks (mass market) - Circulating book materials without hard cover bindings.

2.04 Periodicals - Magazines and journals published with established frequency throughout the year.

2.05 New Books - Newly acquired and recent publications of circulating fiction and non-fiction books.

2.06 Lucky Day Books – High demand fiction and non-fiction books available for immediate checkout.

2.07 Rental DVDs/Blu-rays - High demand DVDs/Blu-rays available for a rental fee.

2.08 Compact Discs (CDs) - Circulating recorded music that are on a compact disc. 

2.09 DVDs/Blu-rays - Circulating films: feature, documentary, and instructional.

2.10 Video Games - Circulating games requiring a dedicated console with a video interface.

2.11 eBooks - Circulating electronic version of a printed book that may be read or listened to on a personal computer or hand-held device designed specifically for this purpose.

2.12 Streaming Video – Circulating digital video content transmitted through an Internet connection. Content may be viewed on a personal computer, mobile device, or via a digital media player.

2.13 Databases - Electronic databases to which the Library subscribes. Many of these databases may be used remotely.

2.14 Internet - Many additional resources are available on the Internet and can be reached through library equipment.

2.15 Interlibrary Loan (abbreviated “ILL”) - Service whereby a user of one library may borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. Users request materials, and the Library, acting as an intermediary, identifies owners of the desired item, places the request, receives the item, makes it available to the user, and arranges for its return.

2.16 Laptops– Circulating computers that may be used in the Library.

2.17 Tech Toys – Circulating media and technology equipment such as a GoPro camera or USB enabled turntable.

3.0 Loan Periods

Loan periods and renewals for materials vary as stated below. Eligible items will automatically renew for four additional loan periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.01 Reference Materials, including newspapers and the current issues of periodicals, may not be checked out.

3.02 The loan period for General Materials is 21 days and may be renewed for four additional 21-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.03 The loan period for Paperbacks is 21 days and may be renewed for four additional 21-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.04 The loan period for circulating Periodicals is 21 days and may be renewed for two additional 21-day periods. Current issues and bound volumes of Periodicals may not be checked out.

3.05 The loan period for New Books is 21 days and may be renewed for four additional 21-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.06 The loan period for Lucky Day Books is 7 days and may not be renewed.

3.07 The loan period for Rental DVDs/Blu-rays is 1 day and may not be renewed.

3.08 The loan period for Compact Discs is 21 days and may be renewed for four additional 21-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.09 The loan period for Non-rental DVDs/Blu-rays is 7 days and may be renewed for four additional 7-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.10 The loan period for Video Games is 7 days and may be renewed for four additional 7-day periods if the item has not been reserved.

3.11 The loan period for eBooks is 7, 14, or 21 days.

3.12 The loan period for streaming video is 3, 5, or 7 days.

3.13 The loan period for Laptops is 1 hour and may be renewed for 20-minute increments as long as there is not a waiting list. These devices are for use within the Library building only. See the LAPTOP USE policy for more details.

3.14 Loans of certain materials are made to teachers for classroom use and to the homebound, with a loan period of 4 weeks.

3.15 The loan period for ILL items is determined by the lending library.

3.17 The loan period for Tech Toys is 7 days and may not be renewed.

4.0 Fines and Fees

Library patrons are responsible for returning borrowed materials by the end of the loan period. Library materials are considered in circulation until checked-in at a Newport Beach Public Library.

4.01 Overdue fines are charged for materials returned after the due date. The fine schedule is established by the Board of Library Trustees and reviewed on a biennial basis.

4.02 Library patrons are responsible for the replacement cost of lost materials, plus a processing charge.

4.03 Overdue fines are not charged to patrons registered in the homebound program.

5.0 Library Privileges

The Library reserves the right to refuse borrowing privileges to patrons who abuse Library privileges. Such patrons may be identified as delinquent. Delinquent may be defined by the following circumstances:

5.01 A patron whose record shows unpaid fines and fees of $5.00 or more.

5.02 A patron who has ten overdue items outstanding.

5.03 A patron who has moved without notifying the Library of the current correct address.

6.0 Placing of Reserves

Library patrons are permitted to place reserves on General Materials, New Books, Paperbacks, Compact Discs, eBooks, Tech Toys, Non-rental DVDs/Blu-rays, and Video Games in the collection. Reserves may also be placed for these materials, which are “on order”.

7.0 Confidentiality of Patron Records

Library employees must refer all court-ordered requests to the Library Services Director.

The Library shall, at all times, abide by California Government Code § 7927.105, which provides as follows:

California Government Code § 7927.105

(a) As used in this section, the term “patron use records” includes both of the following:

(1) Any written or electronic record that is used to identify a library patron and is provided by the patron to become eligible to borrow or use books and other materials. This includes, but is not limited to, a patron’s name, address, telephone number, or email address.

(2) Any written record or electronic transaction that identifies a patron’s borrowing information or use of library information resources. This includes, but is not limited to, database search records, borrowing records, class records, and any other personally identifiable uses of library resources, information requests, or inquiries.

(b) This section does not apply to either of the following:

(1) Statistical reports of patron use.

(2) Records of fines collected by a library.

(c) All patron use records of a library that is in whole or in part supported by public funds shall remain confidential. A public agency, or a private actor that maintains or stores patron use records on behalf of a public agency, shall not disclose those records to any person, local agency, or state agency, except as follows:

(1) By a person acting within the scope of the person’s duties within the administration of the library.

(2) By a person authorized in writing to inspect the records. The authorization shall be from the individual to whom the records pertain.

(3) By order of the appropriate superior court.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 614, Sec. 2. (AB 473) Effective January 1, 2022. Operative January 1, 2023, pursuant to Sec. 7931.000.)

8.0 Special Conditions

8.01 Fees for Use.

Use fees are charged for the Rental DVD/Blu-ray collections. These fees are established by the Board of Library Trustees and reviewed on a biennial basis.

8.02 Patrons must be 18 years of age or older to checkout DVDs/Blu-rays, Video Games and Tech Toys.

8.03 A fee is charged for Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.

9.0 Circulation Policies Schedule of Fines/Fees

The fine schedule is established by the Board of Library Trustees and reviewed on a biennial basis.

9.01 Rental Fees

  • Rental DVDs/Blu-rays - $1.00 per day

9.02 Fines for Overdue Materials:

  • General Materials - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • DVDs/Blu-rays (non-rental) - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • Paperbacks, Periodicals - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • New Books - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • CDs - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • Lucky Day Books -$0.25/day to Maximum
  • Rental DVDs/Blu-rays - $1.00/day to Maximum
  • Video Games - $1.00/day to Maximum
  • Laptop - $5.00/hour to Maximum
  • ILL - $0.25/day to Maximum
  • Tech Toys - $5.00/day to Maximum

Maximum Fines:

  • General Materials, Audio Books, Lucky Day Books, and ILL Materials - $10.00
  • Paperbacks, Periodicals - $5.00
  • DVDs/Blu-rays - $10.00
  • CDs - $10.00
  • Video Games - $20.00
  • Laptops - $1,200.00
  • Tech Toys - $100.00

9.03 Replacement Cost of Materials - Actual Replacement Cost of Item

When replacement cost cannot be determined, the following averages apply:

  • General Materials - $20.00
  • Periodicals & Paperbacks (mass market) - $ 5.00
  • DVDs/Blu-rays - $25.00
  • CDs - $20.00
  • Video Games - $50.00
  • Laptops and/or peripherals- $1,200.00
  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - Cost as determined by the lending library
  • Tech Toys - $400.00

When materials are replaced, fines paid are applied to replacement and processing charge. The following Processing Charges apply in addition to Replacement Costs:

  • General Materials, DVDs/Blu-rays, CDs, and Video Games - $10.00
  • Paperbacks (mass market)/Periodicals - $3.00
  • Tech Toys - $20.00

9.04 Other Fees:

  • Replacement of Compact Disc Cases - $1.00
  • Replacement of DVD/Blu-ray/BOCD Case - $4.00
  • Fee for Damage to Barcode or RFID tag on Library Materials - $1.00
  • Interlibrary Loan Fee (per item): $5.00


Adopted - January 19, 1988

Amended - February 16, 1988

Amended - July 19, 1988

Amended - November 21, 1989 - Effective January 2, 1990

Amended - March 19, 1991 - Effective July 1, 1991

Amended - August 13, 1992 - Effective October 1, 1992

Amended - April 20, 1993 - Effective July 1, 1993

Amended - August 17, 1993 - Effective September 1, 1993

Amended - November 2, 1993 - Effective January 1, 1994

Section 9.04 - Effective July 1, 1995

Amended - November 21, 1994 - Effective January 1, 1995

Amended - August 15, 1995 - Effective October 1, 1995

Amended - September 19, 1995 - Effective October 1, 1995

Amended - August 19, 1997 - Effective October 1, 1997

Amended - November 17, 1998 - Effective January 1, 1999

Amended - December 19, 2000 - Effective January 1, 2001

Section 6.02 (reevaluate September 2001)

Amended - March 20, 2001 - Effective April 1, 2001

Amended - July 20, 2004 - Effective September 30, 2004

Amended - June 20, 2006 - Effective June 21, 2006

Amended - October 17, 2006 - Effective October 18, 2006

Amended - March 16, 2010 - Effective May 15, 2010

Amended - December 5, 2011 - Approved by City Attorney December 22, 2011

Approved - February 6, 2012

Amended - September 4, 2013

Amended - September 22, 2014

Amended - February 16, 2016

Amended - February 27, 2018

Amended - June 15, 2020 – Effective July 13, 2020

Amended - June 20, 2022

Amended - January 17, 2023

Reviewed – January 21, 2025

This Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees on the first to occur of (i) as circumstances may require or (ii) every two years from the date of adoption, last amendment, or last review.  Adopted, last amended, or last reviewed on January 21, 2025.