Additional Student Databases for K-12

California K-12 Digital Resources

Online content from ProQuest research databases and TeachingBooks are available — at school, at home, in libraries, on laptops, on phones — to all.

These databases are provided for all California students from the California State Library.

Gale (3-12)

Environmental StudiesGale in Context: Environmental Studies: Understand environmental issues that affect people globally through topic overviews, journals, news, and multimedia content. 


 Gale Interactive: Science: Manipulate 3D interactive models to visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth, and space science. 


Encyclopaedia Britannica (PreK-12)

A comprehensive interactive resource for research and learning for grades K-12. Includes correlations to California Content Standards and other valuable teacher resources. Post links directly to each school level, elementary, middle or high. Web-registered card holders cannot access this resource remotely. 

Elementary  Middle  High

Escolar PrimariaEscolar Secundaria

TeachingBooks (PreK-12)

One-stop resources for books you are reading and teaching, including author and illustrator interviews, lesson plans, and other enrichment content.




ProQuest (3-12)

CultureGrams SIRS Discover SIRS Issues Researcher elibrary Guided Research Edition
elibrary Database Edition ProQuest Central Student ProQuest Research Companion

* The icons above and main links below work for accessing these resources at your library. Patrons can use their library card numbers and the "Off-Site Access" links below when using these resources remotely. Web-registered library card holders add NBPL before your web-registered  card number to access the resources off-site.