The 27th season of the highly acclaimed Witte Lecture series launches in January 2024. Sifting through the massive flow of information and, discerning what deserves thoughtful attention, is time consuming and difficult. Our roster of nationally known speakers will once again provide a spark for igniting community conversation on the timeliest topics. Be part of the Witte community for live, dynamic, and compelling conversations in our award-winning library. Knowledge is power!

Currents of Modern History: A Personal and Global Perspective
Friday, January 26, 7 p.m.
Saturday, January 27, 2 p.m.
Email programs@nbplf.foundation to add your name on the waitlist.
Fiona Hill is a senior fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings Institute. Hill was appointed chancellor of Durham University, U.K., and is currently a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin. She served as deputy assistant to the president and senior director for European and Russian affairs on the U.S. National Security Council from 2017 to 2019, and as national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at the National Intelligence Council from 2006 to 2009. She is the author of There Is Nothing for You Here: Finding Opportunity in the 21st Century and co-author with Clifford Gaddy of Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin.

Contact programs@nbplf.foundation or 949-717-3892.