Book Reviews by NBPL Teens

Hooky by Miriam Bonastte Tur

Review by Adriana

Post Date:10/01/2022

hooky book cover


Hooky by Miriam Bonastte Tur is a very well written and entertaining graphic novel. The setting of the story takes place during a mystic time, somewhere in between now and our current modern time. The book is about two twins,Dani & Dorian, who missed the bus to magic school and have to find a tutor to teach them. After an unfortunate mishap, the twins are forced to run away from their tutor and search for someone new to teach them how to use their magical powers. Upon hearing about a wizard who can see the future, they went out to search for where he lives. With a little help from a new friend, Nico,they end up finding the Wizard Pendragon, who willingly agrees to take them in. Meanwhile,princess Monica(whose fiancé mysteriously disappeared) decides that she will go on a quest to find him. Coincidentally she also meets Pendragon close to the same time as the twins. After Princess Monica and Nico both agreed to study with Dani and Dorian, the adventure began! The characters begin to discover more about themselves and others , and realize that both the magical and non magical can live together in peace. Due to the earlier mishap, Dani and Dorian are now a wanted witch & wizard so they must be careful with whom they trust in their chaotic world. As the four friends begin their training and learning they soon discover something fascinating about the twins which changes the entire course of their lives…


   My favorite character in this book is Dani because of how honest, sweet, and strong she is. Even when she is faced with what seems to be an impossible challenge she goes on and completes it. She pushes herself to be the best she can be all the time, even if her magic powers are against her. When Dorian feels hurt or upset she is always( well almost always) there to comfort him and make sure he feels better. With the help of her friends and her brother she grows and becomes a better witch who can control her powers.


   My least favorite character in the story is Nico, even though he eventually sincerely apologizes to Dorian and becomes friends with him he still isn't the nicest person. After he offended Dorian at the beginning of the book, Dani put a curse on him which she didn’t know how to undo. The curse shrunk him and he became a tiny person who had to sleep in a miniature bed. As previously mentioned, after he apologized to Dorian he transformed back to his normal size. As a character, he develops emotionally but not to a mature level. There are still some moments where he acts out a little, but he has improved.


 Overall this is an amazing book and even when I first got it I wanted to start reading it immediately. It has a brilliant cover which perfectly matches the theme of the book. After finishing this book I immediately wanted to read the second part of it, and see if Míriam Bonastre Tru had written any other series. Warning: If you love fantasy novels, then this book will make you addicted to it! I would definitely highly recommend this book to everyone ages 10+. The author wrote an incredible novel which will have a special place in my heart. 


  Check out Hooky from NBPL! 



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