Book Reviews by NBPL Teens

Night by Elie Wiesel

Review by Cooper

Post Date:06/01/2022

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“Night,” an autobiographical novel written by Elie Wiesel, is a vivid true story about a Jewish boy and his experiences in a German concentration camp during World War II. It reveals a first-hand account of the war, and the horrifying events that took place during this dark time in history. This story begins in a small town called Sighet, located in Transylvania, which is where the author lived with his family. The book depicts his family’s removal from their home and their long dangerous journey to a concentration camp. Throughout the novel, the reader gets a detailed account of the pain and torture that the Jewish people had to endure in concentration camps. At times, the story is heartbreaking, yet also inspiring to see how hard this young man fought to survive.


Elie Wiesel is very good at giving graphic details of his experiences. His language is so descriptive that the reader can envision the camp where he spent so much time and all the horrors and challenges that he faced daily. His descriptive storytelling allows the reader to connect to the characters and settings, providing a more engrossing experience. This connection allows for emotions to be unlocked during the reading, and it has a captivating storyline. It is a short book and is a quick read, but the content will stay with the reader for a long time after reading. Most students learn about the events of the Holocaust in school, but it is impactful to read an autobiography that paints a first-hand portrait of what life was like in the concentration camp and what it took for this boy to survive this unthinkable experience.  


I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in WWII, as well as people who want to read about first-hand experiences of the difficulties and challenges of the concentration camps. This book is more suitable for mature readers, as the descriptions and events that took place in these camps are disturbing and heart-breaking, which may be too overwhelming for younger readers. At the same time the book is inspiring to hear Elie Wiesel’s story of strength and it is a good lesson to all readers to read about his fight to survive.




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