Book Reviews by NBPL Teens

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Review by Ashley

Post Date:06/01/2022 3:36 pm

six of crows bk cov

As opposed to having one or two main characters, as many books do, this one has six. Six teenagers, and one seemingly impossible heist. There are backstabbers, betrayals, and double crossings all throughout this novel. Plans are ruined and rebuilt, battles are fought, and loyalties are tested.

        To start off the introductions, the first of six characters is Kaz Brekker. The brains behind the operation, and unsurprisingly ruthless. Inej Ghafa is next, nicknamed the Wraith and impossibly stealthy. She gathers information, making not s single sound while doing it, and trained to be an acrobat. She's skilled with knives, and a practiced killer (as most of them are.) Jesper Fahey is the sharpshooter, aiming at amazingly small targets. He's funny, charming, and lightens the mood overall. Nina Zenik is a heartrender, dropping heart rates and killing enemies from the inside. She's also quite the flirt. Matthias Helvar is introduced as a criminal, but there's a shocking story behind it. He's a Fjerdan soldier and former druskelle. Last but not least, Wylan Van Eck. His father is filthy rich, and he has a knack for equations and bomb making. Their demolitions expert.

        Between these six sets of skills, they take on a job that may very well cost them their lives in the process. This book is action packed, and has amazing humor. The banter between these six characters has only increased my love for them. Each with an interesting background and story, Leigh has created six incredibly well written characters.

        A seemingly impossible heist, during which many, many things go wrong. Unplanned detours, carefully calculated risks, secrets discovered, backstories shared. All within the same 24 hours, and all while trying to save the world. Yes, they're criminals, and yet they're the best chance the world has. All of this for the secret of parem, an intoxicating drug used on grisha. It amplifies their powers greatly, but at a terrible cost. If the secret to the recipe gets out, the world will be thrown into chaos. And so, it's up to 6 teenagers to keep anything horrible from happening. But can they do it?

       As for romance, it's a bit complicated. No relationships are confirmed in this book, but some quotes are so sweet! The way they talk about each other is the type of stuff you only find in fantasy novels, the kind that absolutely set the highest standard. Even the characters you expect to be cold and cruel are so incredibly sweet on the inside, even if they never say it out loud. Or maybe they do.

        This (along with Crooked Kingdom) could definitely be read as a stand-alone series, but the concept of grisha, the 'civil war' that's mentioned, and the significance of some characters will be confusing. It's something you could for sure figure out, but you might be a bit lost at first, so I do recommend reading the Shadow and Bone trilogy first!

        I would rate this an 100/10 if I could, but I'll settle for 10/10. I loved this book more than anything else I've ever read, and the characters completely had my heart throughout the entire thing. Cant wait to read the second and last in this duology!


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