Book Reviews by NBPL Teens

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Review by Connor

Post Date:03/05/2023

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Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Bradbury that is set in a dystopian futuristic society where books are banned and firemen burn any that are found. The main protagonist, Guy Montag, is a fireman who begins to question his role in society and becomes involved in the illegal book-reading subculture. Montag begins to doubt the government's actions and the censorship of books. Throughout the novel, Bradbury explores themes of censorship, conformity, and the power of knowledge. Fahrenheit 451 is a thought-provoking novel that highlights the importance of intellectual freedom and the consequences of a society that suppresses it.         

One of the greatest parts of this novel is Guy Montag’s character development throughout the story. Montag’s character development started after he saw a lady who was burned alive in her house when the firemen burned her books because she’d rather die than leave her books. This event was a turning point in the novel because it opened Montag to learn about the importance of books and what made them so special. This led Montag to start hiding and reading books in his house. As the story progresses, Montag becomes increasingly disturbed with the censorship and the lack of critical thinking in his society. He begins to realize the importance of knowledge and the dangers of a government with censorship. He started to question the oppressive society he lived in and the propaganda that was being constantly fed to its citizens. As Montag becomes more and more aware of the oppressive nature of his society, he decides to rebel against it and fight for his freedom.

Furthermore, the ideas explored in Fahrenheit 451 are still relevant in today’s society. For example, the subject of censorship is still important today, as we continue to witness attempts to impose book bans and repress certain views. The novel Fahrenheit 451 serves as a warning that we must defend intellectual liberty and stop efforts to restrict opposing viewpoints.

Though this work had many excellent qualities, there was one major drawback. Montag's lengthy societal commentaries and discussions made the story tedious and dragged out at points. Whilst these topics are fundamental to the novel's structure, reading many of Montag's lengthy commentary makes the story feel plodding and boring.

Fahrenheit 451 is praised for its impactful themes on society. However, the book's plot is the novel’s weak point. The plot follows Montag, the main character, on his quest as he rebels against a dystopian society that destroys books and stifles free thought. The story's premise is intriguing, but the story itself is a little underwhelming and falls short of the expectations brought up in the beginning.

Overall, Fahrenheit 451 is a great novel that examines many modern censorship issues.  Bradbury's vivid descriptions of a dystopian society where books are banned and firemen burn any that are found, serve as a cautionary tale against the dangers of intellectual suppression. Despite some boring plot parts, the novel's fundamental message and themes are great. Fahrenheit 451 deserves a 4.5 / 5 for its fascinating narrative and message.

Check out Fahrenheit 451 from NBPL! 


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